Sunday, May 13, 2018

4 Emotions that control our life. (No.4 is mind blowing.)

Emotions are the most powerful forces inside us. Under the power of emotions, human beings can perform the most heroic (as well as barbaric) acts.

Here are some great emotions i learnt from Jim Rohn that control our lives subconsciously:

1) Disgust:

One does not usually equate the word "disgust" with positive action. And yet properly channeled, disgust can change a person’s life. The person who feels disgusted has reached a point of no return. He or she is ready to throw down the gauntlet at life and say, "I’ve had it!"…Yes, productive feelings of disgust come when a person says, "Enough is enough."

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2) Decision:

Many of us need to be pushed to the wall to make concrete decisions. And once we reach this point, we have to deal with the conflicting emotions that come with making them. We have reached a fork in the road. . No wonder that decision-making can create knots in stomachs, keep us awake in the middle of the night, or make us break out in a cold sweat.

Making life-changing decisions can be likened to internal civil war. Conflicting armies of emotions, each with its own arsenal of reasons, battle each other for supremacy of our minds. And our resulting decisions, whether bold or timid, well thought out or impulsive, can either set the course of action or blind it. I don’t have much advice to give you about decision-making except this:
Whatever you do, don’t camp at the fork in the road. Decide. It’s far better to make a wrong decision than to not make one at all. Each of us must confront our emotional turmoil and sort out our feelings.

3) Desire:
How does one gain desire? I don’t think I can answer this directly because there are many ways. the two things about desire is that: It comes from the inside not the outside and
It can be triggered by outside forces.
Almost anything can trigger desire. It’s a matter of timing as much as preparation. It might be a song that tugs at the heart. It might be a memorable sermon. It might be a movie, a conversation with a friend, a confrontation with the enemy, or a bitter experience…that will make some people say, I want it now.

4) Resolve:

It says, "I will." These two words are among the most key word in the English language. I Will.  Benjamin Disraeli once said, "Nothing can resist a human will that will stake even its existence on the extent of its purpose." In other words, when someone resolves to "do or die," nothing can stop him.…

 How long should a baby try to learn how to walk? How long would you give the average baby before you say, "That’s it, you’ve had your chance"? You say that’s crazy? Of course it is. Any mother would say, "My baby is going to keep trying until he learns how to walk!" No wonder everyone walks.

There is a very important lesson in this part. Ask yourself, "How long am I going to work to make my dreams come true?" I suggest you answer, "As long as it takes." That’s what these four emotions are all about.

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