Sunday, August 18, 2019
Happy Sunday People,
Have you ever heard of Accidental success before, how does this things happen, it is another word for one hit wonder success?
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"If you are not consistent at what you do ,your success will be accidental or a one hit wonder success"
You remember that artist you loved his songs so much 10 years ago, who if you saw today you are forced to ask where has he been since his first success , no second song or album again and he was no longer relevant in the music industry.
Let's use this example in our business the real estate network marketing business.
How do people sell by accident they did something and one sale got in and since then no sales.
You got a great prospect, suddenly you forgot how to repeat such formula again.
It now looks like fluke or luck but the truth is they lack all the qualities listed below.
That you are not selling land or house today has nothing to do with lack of money , or your location or even lack of connections or even not because you are from a poor background or humble beginnings. I know you may be tempted to say it is the village people or the enemies also Oga and Madam No be so.
You only lack high income skills, you only lack resourcefulness , you only lack creativity, you only lack consistency , you only lack, hunger, passion, you lack massive action, you are only good at screen time ( TV Time) , you don't apply Nothing with the knowledge you have learnt, this is why you have not sold a plot of landed property ever since you joined this business or Ever since that last time you were celebrated.
You are now making it look like the early success was a fluke because it was probably your old or long time neighbour or family or relative and now you have no one like that again to talk.
I promise you this success is very far from people who lack this qualities.
No matter how long you fast or pray or act holy or religious.
God only comes 50% when you have done your 50% also , infact at times you give it 100%.
Before you rely on the God factor to bless the effort.
People are taught this days to do this , Lord I need a Table , Lord I need a Chair , Lord I Promise you I will serve you forever if you give me a table
Well God says I don't do that , God provides the Natural Environment, He provides the Brain for the intellectual capacity, the gift the talent, what have you done with your talents , did you bury yours under ground like the man who did so in the bible story, or you returned 10 or 6 like the other people who had 5 and 3 and brought returns on investment on their talents.
Do you have 0.00 Account balance right now real estate earnings since you joined
Calm down
Go and develop this qualities or assets listed above ,you will be fine , Money will come .
Many Wealthy Billionaires have said this before , if they lost their wealth, it is just a matter of time before they regain it back , with their knowledge, contacts, experience.
So Far You woke this morning you read this , God still has a purpose for you, find your purpose , and start manifesting the talents God has put inside of you.
Birds are not taught fly in sky, monkeys are not taught to climb trees, fishes are not taught swimming, like wise is your God given gift as Man which may require refining and polishing in form of skills and mentorship.
Thanks for your attention.
Happy Sunday Guys