
Friday, August 23, 2019

Overcoming insecurities in business

Overcoming insecurity is a challenge each and every one of us must face, particularly when we are tasked with running a business.

The greatest source of insecurity for most people especially in our business in Real estate.

Is certainty about for a newbie is how to do I get started in this business, how do I learn the locations, do the product knowledge, master the prospecting skills, digital marketing, closing skills as a Johnny Just come?

When I will make my first ever sales ?  When will I overcome this I will get back to you syndrome by clients 😭😭😭.

When Will I get over this challenging  period of slow or No Sales ( Sales Drought)🙆🏾‍♂🙆🏽

when will I make that next sale 💰💰, when will I be celebrated for success and recognition,  when will I get that next paying client, when will I  close this long standing deal on the table, how, when  will I master this key high income skills that help me progress and succeed in this career as a Realtor? 😰😰

In business, relationships and all of life, many of us struggle with self-doubt as we question our skills and abilities. Meanwhile, if we don’t learn how to overcome insecurity, the fallout can wreak havoc on our work performance and overall well-being, since insecurity breeds a negative state. Instead of allowing insecurity to take over your sense of self-confidence, you must learn to face your fears directly, including your self-doubt. When you commit to embracing insecurity as a source of information, it becomes a transformative force for your professional relationships and business operations.

Ready to overcome insecurity?

In order to understand how to overcome insecurity, one must begin with a working understanding of what causes self-doubt. Psychology Today determined the three most common causes of insecurity: Recent failure, social anxiety and perfectionism. Research suggests that as much as 40% of our happiness in life derives from our interpretation of recent life events or circumstances. As a result, when we fail at achieving a goal, the resultant blow to our self-esteem is often substantial. Furthermore, if feelings of failure remain unresolved, they begin to taint our perception of other life problems, creating a cycle of feeling defeated. Such feelings are easily exacerbated by social difficulties we may experience due to shyness, rejection or other factors. Then, if perfectionism is an issue, the effect is like throwing gasoline on a fire. Our perfectionism drives our self-criticism, which further deflates our self-esteem, alienates us from others and creates a no-win cycle of insecurity. When insecurity-inducing factors cascade at the workplace, the result can be catastrophic for our lived experience on the job as well as our team’s morale. Therefore, it is absolutely critical that we take massive action for overcoming insecurity.

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