Friday, August 23, 2019
As you commit to overcoming insecurity by trusting yourself and committing to facing your fears, you’ll discover the importance of balancing your perspective.
To balance your outlook, you must both acknowledge your feelings and check them against concrete facts. In other words, without sacrificing your emotional honesty, cultivate the habit of “focusing outwards” on the practical realities of your job.
overcome insecurity
Consider a professional basketball player who is struggling with uncertainty: They must not only acknowledge the uncertainty and commit to investigating it, but also commit to mastering the practical skills necessary to excel at basketball. As a business owner, the parallel is resonant, since focusing on the “externals” of your day-to-day work life will distract you from your insecurities while you build a skillset the reflects your true aptitude.
Mastering how to overcome insecurity is your key to lasting contentment in business and in life. Overcome the limiting beliefs holding you back from discovering your true self.
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Please Enjoy your day