Saturday, August 17, 2019
Property driven
You don't need more information. All you need is to execute what you've already learned. Don't tell yourself you need more learning. ~ Peter Voogd
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You need mastery rather than overload. As I was studying last night Peter Voogd just made me realise that I should work on what I have studied so far. Once I am fully persuaded about it and put into action what I learnt I can now move to study more.
Don't be addicted to so much data that at the same time that you are not applying but rather get addicted to results. Execute on what you already learnt before you move on. So many of people fall into this mistake often and we complain about not getting results. (Information Overload)
As you do you will get better in all areas of your life.
That's the little we can tell you from acenaijaproperty. Buy a land now and relax because your future is guaranteed.
We love you and have a blessed weekend.
Property driven