Monday, August 19, 2019
Successful tips for investing
If you think success is a matter of luck or birth, you’re wrong.
Sure, you might be “lucky” enough to win the lottery or be born into a wealthy family, but that doesn’t automatically mean your life will be successful.
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I know a lot of people who were born into very wealthy families but lived miserable lives. And one in three lottery winners end up blowing their money and going totally broke!
But if you think success is the result of hard work and sacrifice, you’re wrong, too.
You might spend your life working hard and making sacrifices and eventually attain a certain level of career success. But that doesn’t guarantee that you’re happy or fulfilled.
And if your life doesn’t give you happiness or fulfilment, how can you call it “successful”?
There is only ONE thing I know of that will guarantee you a life that’s successful according to every possible definition of the word.
Stop chasing success -- and instead attract it by becoming a person of value.
Only You Have Control Over Your Future,
Only you can make the choice to be happy. If you don’t absolutely love your life, you can choose a new path that will give you the success, joy, and fulfillment you crave.
So if you’re not as happy or as successful as you want to be, I challenge you to spend some time this week thinking about what REALLY gives you joy.
… What do you love and are naturally good at doing?
… What kind of work do you find deeply fulfilling?
… What would you do if you KNEW you couldn’t fail?
… What is your heart telling you to do?
… What is your true purpose in life?
If the answers don’t come easily to you, then I suggest you take some extra time to meditate, visualize, and reflect on these questions. In time, you will gain some valuable clarity on them.
Because when you align your goals with your true purpose and use joy as your GPS system, you WILL achieve the kind of success that fills your life with great happiness, meaning, and abundance.
And that is the best kind of success there is.
To your success,
Please Enjoy your day and have a Productive and Successful week.
Quote of the Day
“What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us.”
— Julia Cameron