
Monday, August 26, 2019

Investment struggles


Did you know  that most people want to experience a lot of Success and Achievements in life without any or lots of responsibilities.

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It is like saying   I want to eat a lots of food but don't want to get fat.

It is like I want to get very wealthy, my prayer requests I made in church or mosque to be accepted but I hate selling any products or services and taking responsibility.

It doesn't  work that way, the very first key or step is  you have to Personal Responsibility.

You must be ready to take 100% Responsibility for your life.

If  I am not having the Success that I want it is my fault.

If I am not making the INCOME that I want it is my fault.

If my life is not fulfilled , it is my fault.

If I am not living up to my potential, it is my fault.

It is not your Parents, siblings, your family or kids ,  Your mentor, Your upline, Your successlines, Your Boss, not the President of your country President Buhari, it is not Governor of your state, it is not your village people's fault.

It is only when you take the responsibility back that you have the power to take it back.

When you look at most people they point fingers facing every corners, try and notice this when you point a finger to others the remaining 3 points to your self.

If you want more success and you don't want more responsibility , you are not  likey to experience a lot of success without a lot of responsibilities.

Millionaires , Multi Millionaires and Even Billionaires are responsible for a lot of people and lots of things.

If you want to start a business, Your own thing , the bigger your vision, the bigger you want to become. The bigger the responsibility you are going to handle.

The bigger your business, the more customers you are responsible for. If you  are not sure you can handle it. If you focus on your on vision, even if you are not  the leader that you are today but you can grow and expand into that.

You may not get that huge responsibility over night but it comes over time.

In life you want to get the rewards , you have to take the responsibility of success if you want to Achieve anything significant. You will probably take responsibility and pain most people cannot even think of or bear or understand, the stress, the pressure you have to endure.

You have 2 choices and say I am going to  grow, grow and grow , I am going to step up and be the best leader that I can be or you say I am going to lower my standard and accept mediocrity and that is how it is going be , I am going to  be average

Only you can make that choice.

Are you  willing to  accept responsibility for your life and responsibility for a lot of people or you will accept you are content with where you are now and if you are fine , it is okay. There is no right or wrong just about what you are willing to sacrifice.

Thanks for your attention

Please Enjoy your Day and Have a Productive week ahead.

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